F.G. Pfister Beteiligungen

Our values

Through our long-term investments we will protect and create jobs in Switzerland. We are committed to Switzerland.

We are not a private equity company. We always make long-term investments from funds of F.G. Pfister Holding. Our thinking and actions are characterized by high ethical principles based on the ideas of our founder Fritz Gottlieb Pfister.

The successful, long-term development of our company, social responsibility towards our employees and the environment are at the heart of our commitment.

Our corporate group has a decentralized organizational structure. The individual operating companies have a great deal of entrepreneurial freedom in decision-making.

Our vision

  • We will ensure through our economic activities that our group of companies will remain independent and continue to thrive in the years ahead. We will promote entrepreneurship and innovation in Switzerland from the earnings our entrepreneurial activities produce.
  • We create sustainable values for the Swiss economy and Swiss society, thus contributing to promoting the competitiveness of Switzerland.
  • Through our activities, we will protect and create jobs, and in doing so contribute to Switzerland's prosperity and well-being going forward.
  • We are committed to the entrepreneurial vision of our founder Fritz Gottlieb Pfister.
  • We are committed to Switzerland.

Investment criteria

  • Our aim is to have holdings in different industries.
  • Size of investment per company up to a maximum of CHF 50 million.
  • Proven business model with long-term profitability. Ecological, social and societal criteria as well as responsible management are taken into consideration.
  • Active influence on management and company organization as well as the right to participate in the executive board.
  • Holdings in profitable, medium-sized and larger, private and also listed companies with sales of “at least CHF 10 million”.
  • Excluded from this are financial investments and holdings whose products and services are not in line with the values of F. G. Pfister Stiftung.
  • Majority holdings or distinctive minority holdings, whereby only minority holdings with significant earnings potential are possible.
  • Holdings in companies requiring restructuring and reorganization are usually rejected.